export interface RankableItem {
  id: string;
  initialRating: number;
  currentRating: number;
  comparisons: number;
  wins: number;
  losses: number;
  ties: number;

export interface ComparisonResult {
  itemId1: string;
  itemId2: string;
  result: 'win' | 'loss' | 'tie';
  timestamp: number;
  metadata?: any;

interface EloRankerConfig {
  kFactor?: number;
  ratingChangeThreshold?: number;
  stableComparisonsThreshold?: number;
  minimumComparisons?: number;
  defaultInitialRating?: number;

class EloRanker {
  private items: Map<string, RankableItem>;
  private kFactor: number;
  private ratingChangeThreshold: number;
  private stableComparisonsThreshold: number;
  private minimumComparisons: number;
  private defaultInitialRating: number;
  private recentRatingChanges: Map<string, number[]>;
  private sortedItems: RankableItem[];

    items: RankableItem[],
    config: EloRankerConfig = {}
  ) {
    this.items = new Map(items.map(item => [item.id, { ...item }]));
    this.kFactor = this.validateConfig(config.kFactor, 8, 64, 32);
    this.ratingChangeThreshold = this.validateConfig(config.ratingChangeThreshold, 1, 20, 5);
    this.stableComparisonsThreshold = this.validateConfig(config.stableComparisonsThreshold, 5, 50, 10);
    this.minimumComparisons = this.validateConfig(config.minimumComparisons, 10, 100, 20);
    this.defaultInitialRating = this.validateConfig(config.defaultInitialRating, 1000, 2000, 1500);
    this.recentRatingChanges = new Map();
    this.sortedItems = this.getSortedItems();

  private validateConfig(value: number | undefined, min: number, max: number, defaultValue: number): number {
    if (value === undefined) return defaultValue;
    if (value < min || value > max) {
      throw new Error(`Configuration value ${value} is out of range [${min}, ${max}]`);
    return value;

  public addItem(id: string, initialRating?: number): void {
    if (this.items.has(id)) {
      throw new Error(`Item with id ${id} already exists`);
    const rating = initialRating ?? this.defaultInitialRating;
    const newItem: RankableItem = {
      initialRating: rating,
      currentRating: rating,
      comparisons: 0,
      wins: 0,
      losses: 0,
      ties: 0
    this.items.set(id, newItem);

  public removeItem(id: string): void {
    if (!this.items.delete(id)) {
      throw new Error(`Item with id ${id} not found`);

  private getExpectedScore(ratingA: number, ratingB: number): number {
    return 1 / (1 + Math.pow(10, (ratingB - ratingA) / 400));

  private updateRating(itemId: string, opponentRating: number, score: number): void {
    const item = this.items.get(itemId)!;
    const expectedScore = this.getExpectedScore(item.currentRating, opponentRating);
    const oldRating = item.currentRating;
    item.currentRating = Math.round(item.currentRating + this.kFactor * (score - expectedScore));
    const ratingChange = Math.abs(item.currentRating - oldRating);
    const recentChanges = this.recentRatingChanges.get(itemId) || [];
    if (recentChanges.length > this.stableComparisonsThreshold) {
    this.recentRatingChanges.set(itemId, recentChanges);

  public addComparisonResult(result: ComparisonResult): void {
    const item1 = this.items.get(result.itemId1);
    const item2 = this.items.get(result.itemId2);

    if (!item1 || !item2) {
      throw new Error("One or both items not found");

    if (item1.id === item2.id) {
      throw new Error("Cannot compare an item with itself");

    let score1, score2;
    if (result.result === 'tie') {
      score1 = score2 = 0.5;
    } else if (result.result === 'win') {
      score1 = 1;
      score2 = 0;
    } else {
      score1 = 0;
      score2 = 1;

    this.updateRating(item1.id, item2.currentRating, score1);
    this.updateRating(item2.id, item1.currentRating, score2);



  public getNextComparison(): [string, string] | null {
    const activeItems = Array.from(this.items.values()).filter(item => 

    if (activeItems.length < 2) {
      return null;

    const [item1, item2] = this.getRandomPair(activeItems);
    return [item1.id, item2.id];

  private getRandomPair(items: RankableItem[]): [RankableItem, RankableItem] {
    if (items.length < 2) {
      throw new Error("Not enough items to form a pair");
    const idx1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length);
    let idx2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (items.length - 1));
    if (idx2 >= idx1) idx2++;
    return [items[idx1], items[idx2]];

  private isItemStable(itemId: string): boolean {
    const item = this.items.get(itemId)!;
    const recentChanges = this.recentRatingChanges.get(itemId) || [];

    return (
      item.comparisons >= this.minimumComparisons &&
      recentChanges.length >= this.stableComparisonsThreshold &&
      recentChanges.every(change => change <= this.ratingChangeThreshold)

  public getProgress(): number {
    const totalItems = this.items.size;
    const stableItems = Array.from(this.items.values()).filter(item => 

    return stableItems / totalItems;

  private getSortedItems(): RankableItem[] {
    return Array.from(this.items.values())
      .sort((a, b) => b.currentRating - a.currentRating);

  private updateSortedItems(): void {
    this.sortedItems = this.getSortedItems();

  public getRankings(): RankableItem[] {
    return this.sortedItems;

  public getItemStats(itemId: string): RankableItem {
    const item = this.items.get(itemId);
    if (!item) {
      throw new Error(`Item with id ${itemId} not found`);
    return { ...item };

  public getItemCount(): number {
    return this.items.size;

  private cleanupStableItems(): void {
    for (const [itemId, item] of this.items) {
      if (this.isItemStable(itemId)) {